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Pennsylvania standards provide a consistent and clear understanding of what ALL students are expected to learn and be able to do. All students, including students with disabilities, are to be afforded meaningful access to the general education curriculum (IDEA 2004). Recognizing inclusive practices as an educational practice that provides rigorous access to standards-based learning is a shift in thinking about the provision of education for all students. Instructional diversity and flexibility based upon ongoing assessment, while delivering content, facilitating the learning of content or having students demonstrate mastery of content, are all examples of shifts in instructional practices that will make a significant difference in student outcomes.

Educators who serve within educational systems that have truly been transformed report having become much more “practice-centered”. There is a relentless focus on implementation of evidence-based, standards-aligned instruction, programs and practices with increasing fidelity as a function of a supportive, well designed infrastructure that protects time for professional collaboration and resources. Using systematic methods and having data as feedback provides the opportunity for educators to “learn to learn” and become more effective and efficient with experience. Ensuring all students, regardless of their abilities, are college and career ready is a mandate, but the difference will be reflected in the quality of implementation of PA’s Standards Aligned System and RtII as a comprehensive service delivery framework that result in inclusive educational practices, making growth and proficiency an attainable goal for ALL students.

For more information on PA’s Standards Aligned System, please visit PDE’s SAS Portal  

Fidelity of SAS and RtII Implementation: A Barometer of Inclusive Practices   outlines the interaction between PA’s Standards Aligned System and PA’s Response to Instruction and Intervention framework and their impact on inclusive practices. RtII is identified as the framework through which SAS is implemented.