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Guidance Home

The Elementary school counselor serves Jackson Elementary School, coordinating a developmental guidance program for all Kindergarten through 2nd grade students.


This type of counseling program addresses all students through their stages of development. It is a pro-active, educational approach which helps all children to understand themselves and others, develop social skills, build their self concept, and learn self-management skills such as decision making, problem solving, managing anger, and effective communication.


Special emphasis is put on the skills used in conflict resolution to promote healthy relationships and create a positive, safe school environment in which all members of the school community belong, learn and contribute.


Important components of the elementary counseling program include:

  • Coordinating school-wide anti-bullying programs
  • Presenting and coordinating guidance lessons for all students
  • Providing individual and small group counseling when appropriate
  • Providing referrals to community services for students/families in need
  • Serving as a Safe Schools Team member for district-wide school safety efforts
  • Coordinating career awareness programs for elementary students
  • Consulting with teachers, parents, administrators, and outside agencies to address students' academic, behavioral and emotional needs.

For additional information, please call 814-749-8421